
Gracious God,

I thank you for your blessing and presence in my life.

The gift of faith that you have given me

is precious and fragile.

So much in this world threatens

its growth and its potential to bear fruit.

Guard me and strengthen me

in your grace and love

so that I might withstand the challenges and threats to my spirit.

Give me the wisdom

to tend my soul each day

in prayer and devotion to you.

Embolden my response

so that I live my life with openness and trust.

Send me out with renewed zeal to care for others.

Through Christ, amen.

 Permission granted to share today's content with family and friends.  ©2020. Walt Lichtenberger

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It comes from Walt’s new book - Backyard Parables: Discovering Wisdom Close to Home. Books can be purchased on this website or through Amazon.